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Please click the candidate's pictures to read their bios.


Incumbent: Marshall Lee

Candidate(s): Kristi Farley


The Chair shall be the chief executive officer of the Section. Responsibilities:

  • Shall be a member of the Council and of all committees, except the Nominating Committee.

  • Shall preside at all meetings and functions of the Council and of the Section.

  • Represent the Section in dealing with outside agencies, making all appointments, and transacting all business of the Section as directed by it or its Council, and in accordance with the Bylaws.

  • Shall make an annual report generally by 31 May through the annual report process as defined by the Regional Engagement Activities Division (READ) of AIAA.


Vice Chair

Incumbent: Kristi Farley

Candidate(s): Christopher Vigil


The Vice Chair is elected annually and is responsible for supporting the Chair in their responsibilities. This position is good preparation for members aspiring to become Chair.


  • Shall be a voting member of the Council and shall act in the place of the Chair in any case of the Chair's absence or inability to act.

  • Shall transact, at the direction of the Chair, any business which could be within the power of the Chair to transact.



Incumbent: Ciprian Dumitrache

Candidate(s): Ciprian Dumitrache, Jennifer Giang


This is normally a two-year position. This year’s election will be a mid-cycle election so it will be up for reelection after a year. The Secretary is responsible for Section records and is good preparation for members aspiring to be Chair.


  • Shall make preparations for Section Council meetings including agendas and minutes, setting up zoom and if hybrid a location reservation, distribute meeting notices and other communiqué to the Section Officers and to the general membership.

  • Shall maintain minutes of the meetings of the Council and shall maintain all its records not otherwise assigned.

  • Shall conduct the correspondence of the Section and the Council and shall be responsible for sending out all notices of the meetings.

Membership Outreach Director

Incumbent: Jonathan Wrobel

Candidate(s): Charlie Crouse, Lynnane George


Responsible for the coordination of the Membership, Student Branches, Diversity, Inclusion & Equity (DEI)/Diversity Council, and remote areas (Montana, Wyoming, Alberta, Northwest Territories, Nunavut - Canada) committees.

Communications Director

Incumbent: Mickey Mathews

Candidate(s): Amanda Camarata


Responsible for the coordination of the STEM/STEAM/K-12 Education, Newsletter, Public Policy, Webmaster, and Mission Specialist committees.



Council Election 2024
Voting Form

Vice Chair
Membership Director
Communications Director


The AIAA Rocky Mountain Section is the official AIAA chapter for Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, Alberta, Northwest Territories and Nunavut regions. We are one of the largest AIAA chapters in the world and we host regular events throughout the region for professionals, students and the public.

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